Kinstone Developments
Eight Mile Plains, QLD
50 weeks
September 2014
On land position close to the Gateway Motorway and adjacent to the Translink Busway at Eight Mile Plains this development, as Stage 1 of 3, truly responds within the ideals of a Transit Orientated Development.
We worked collaboratively for a long time with the Client after they brought us the DA Approved site to provide quality advice to maximise apartment GFA, Retail NLA on the ground level and vehicular movement and parking in the basement levels.
The construction of the 46 x 1 & 2-bed Apartments in 5 storeys over 2 levels of basement, 1 ground level retail and with a rooftop recreation area is directed by quality personnel and strict subcontractor engagement and coordination. The 60 week contract completion period which began in earnest July 2013 is being managed for completion by end of September 2014 some 10 weeks ahead of program and despite wet weather delays.
“We are pleased to formally support our Building partner with providing this testimonial.Tomkins have provided very clear, timely and professional support to our Development objectives and quality construction services. They have assisted our long term vision of delivering the $73M 4 Towers, staged, Mixed-Use and Multi-Residential precinct at Eight Mile Plains.We are very comfortable with the level of service, quality of construction, expertise of personnel and the confidence and trust we have that our interests are being understood and protected.”- James Chou, Development Manager, Kinstone Developments.