Brisbane City Council
Bellbowrie, QLD
22 weeks
The Brisbane City Council”s decision to redevelop the existing public pool facilities at Bellbowrie followed the damage incurred during the 2011 floods but moreover amplified an opportunity to bring a contemporary upgrade to the entire community amenity.
The 2013 QMBA Award-winning project presented a number of challenges by way of a tight 22-week contract completion program, wet weather delays and specific Architectural elements in the trapezoidal ceiling and feature brickwork. The new building is raised above the designated flood level thus future-proofing the facility but also addresses key equitable access improvements and facility use. The creation of 57 new car park spaces also compliments access and use for the adjacent Day Care Centre which in turn makes for safer drop-off & pick up. The new Kiosk, change rooms, multi-purpose spaces and services infrastructure improvements have created a quality benchmark for the community.