Gladstone Regional Council
Gladstone, QLD
Following the Torrential rainfall events of 2011, a road cutting situated in a residential suburb in south Gladstone experienced significant subsidence and failure to the existing bank stabilisation. We were awarded the project from a tender process and having offered a timely and cost-effective alternative solution to construct new retaining walls 70m long and 8m high on both sides of the roadway.
Using stock pre-cast “Diamond” blocks we were able to redesign an effective and Engineered solution for the Council. Sitting atop a significantly high level concrete strip footing, these new blocks, weighing approx 180Kg each and which lock in together, were stack bonded together up to the designed height with appropriate backfilling to stabilize the bank and future proof it from further failure. It is pleasing when a project is not only successfully completed on time and budget but also provides an aesthetic improvement gaining high praise from both Client and public alike.